Missions Conference 2024 | God's Last Command, Our First Priority
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Missions Conference 2024
Missions Conference 2024_Schedule

Community Within Our Reach | 与我们周围的人群传福音

Do you know the community that you are in? Have you ever wondered what you can do to meet the needs of the community around you? Missions doesn’t have to mean taking a flight to a faraway country to share the Gospel but it can be right at our doorstep where we step out into the community that’s within our reach like joining a prison ministry or supporting a marginalised community. Find out more about how we can lend our hands, ears and time to our community through this workshop.

Connecting with the Orang Asli | 与原住民联系

Ever wondered how the Gospel reaches the interiors where there is no electricity or proper water supply? If you’ve never been on an Orang Asli mission trip, this is a great workshop to learn more about the pioneering work in the interiors and how connections are started and fostered to save and disciple the Orang Asli.

Into the Deaf World | 进入没有声音的世界

Have you ever wondered what life is like for the deaf community? Have you ever wanted to learn sign language but not sure how to start? This is your chance to see and experience how they live day to day and to learn some basic sign language that will enable you to connect you with the deaf community.

What is Cross-Culture Missions? | 什么是跨越文化的宣教?

Join this workshop to hear a first-hand experience of what it’s like to leave your comfort zone and move into a totally different culture to reach out to the locals there. Hear the highs and lows, about how God moved in the midst of what seemed impossible.

*All workshops will be facilitated in English.