Missions Conference 2024 | Acts Global Bloom ’21
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Details below:

Name : Acts Church
Account No. : 319-566-7323
Bank : Public Bank Bhd
Reference : Bloom21 Cause

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Nice Cream Bar Recipes

Pork Dumpling Recipe

Kombucha Recipe

Korean Street Style Tteobokki Recipe

Brunch Platter Recipe

Bullet Journaling (By Sophia Goh)

(Tune in on Acts Melbourne Instagram)

In this workshop, Sophia will be touching on the basics of bullet journaling which includes supplies/products, the “format” of bullet journaling (this will cover what we usually include in our journals), how to “format” them, where to get ideas, and demonstrate calligraphy with just a pen (not even a brush pen!) if we have time.

Massage Away Your Stress (By Valerie Yentl Tan)

(Tune in on Acts Singapore Instagram)

This workshop is about teaching you the best self massage techniques for your neck and shoulder pain. Tight neck and shoulder muscles – we all have them! Stress and anxiety, sitting for hours at a computer, fatigue and depression are just some of the reasons for neck and shoulder tension, discomfort, and pain. You will be learning some simple, yet dynamic, self massage that will release neck and shoulder tension and improve posture. So have a comfortable seat and get ready to massage your neck and shoulder pain away!

Social Media Marketing for Small Businesses (By Andrea Wong)

(Tune in on Acts UK Instagram)

A brief introduction to social media as well as tips and tricks to market your small business on social media.

友谊:迈向基督的桥梁 | Friendship: A Bridge To Christ (Mandarin) (By Jane Shen Shengmei via Zoom) *Registration Required

Register here: https://bit.ly/BWS_bridgetochrist

申省梅来自中国,目前定与家人居于新加坡。她的专长涵盖了人工智能 (AI, Artificial Intelligence), 深度学习(Deep Learning), 人脸识别 (Face and Image Recognition)。
她在十六年前接受了耶稣,自此踊跃地跟自己的朋友和同事分享自己的信仰。 她非常渴慕看见那些迷失的人能认识耶稣,按照主的恩典,她也成功带领了很多人认识并接受耶稣。 来聆听我们姐妹的分享,在我们的专题工作坊里一起学习如何有效地跟还没有信主的亲朋好友分享福音!专题工作坊名为 “友谊:迈向基督的桥梁”

Jane Shen Shengmei hails from China and is now living in Singapore with her family. She specialises in AI(Artificial Intelligence), Deep Learning, Face and Image Recognition just to name a few. She received Christ 16 years ago and has been actively sharing her faith to many friends and colleagues. Her passion is to see the lost come to know Jesus and she has been successfully reaching them. Come and glean from this amazing sister on what it takes to share the Good News to pre-believers at our workshop Friendship: A Bridge To Christ (Mandarin).

Finding Solo (By Eleanor Chua & Melisa Chong)

(Tune in on Acts Botswana Instagram)

Mel and Ellie are two friends navigating this season of their lives as singles. Join them for a candid conversation on Finding Solo – what it means to find purpose in this journey and how finding the One has taken priority. Be encouraged in a community that cares in this IG Live.

``Hello God, is that You?``: Recognizing God's Voice (By Sarah Fong & Mabel Atkinson)

(Tune in on Acts Church Instagram)

To give our listeners the understanding that God speaks to us today. Let’s talk about how we can tune in to hearing what He has to say.

Petite Brunch Platter for Two (By Jo Lene Sam & friends)

(Tune in on Acts Church Instagram)

The inspiration behind this “Brunch Platter for Two” workshop is that Jo-Lene’s hubby loves brunch and she figured it would be nice to share with all of you tips and tricks on how to make a brunch platter for your loved ones in under half an hour.

Nice Cream Bar (By Edana Parina)

(Tune in on Acts Melbourne Instagram)

Learn a simple, easy, quick, no-bake, healthy dessert recipe using delicious fruits that are in season and wholesome ingredients (whatever is available) to your liking. It is a great recipe for any occasion, for the family or a dinner party. Just blend it, freeze it, dress it up and ta-da!! Come learn the basics, and let your imagination do the rest!

Brew-it-yourself Kombucha (By John Soong)

(Tune in on Acts Botswana Instagram)

This workshop is all about tips on brewing Kombucha & how to add different flavours into your Kombucha. Join in to learn something new this season while keeping your gut healthy!

3种手法,美味饺子轻松做(华+粤) | Create Your Own Dumplings in 3 Fresh Ways (Mandarin + Cantonese) (By Kam Chan)

(Tune in on Acts Singapore Instagram)

与Kam 一起,她将与你分享她妈妈独家的白菜猪肉饺子的肉馅秘方。它使用简单易得的食材。也学习不同的包饺子技巧以应对各种烹煮方式。她还将分享她自己特制的饺子酱料哦!

Join Kam as she shares her mum’s secret dumpling filling recipe for Cabbage Pork Dumplings. It uses simple and easy-to-get ingredients. Learn tips to fold nice dumplings for different cooking techniques. She will also be sharing her very own dumpling sauce recipe.

Financial Fitness (By Jacqui Ong via Zoom) *Registration Required

Register here: https://bit.ly/BWS_financialfitness

Interested to find out the why’s and how to organise and navigate your way through your personal finances and what to do next? Learn about the principles of personal finance, how to apply them for yourself and be on your way to being financially fit!

How to Win on Screen (By Victoria Ong)

(Tune in on Acts UK Instagram)

Drawing from her TV broadcasting and virtual hosting experience, Victoria will be sharing practical tips on how to win on screen. Discover how to look good for your online meetings and presentations, and learn how to engage your audience effectively. It’s time to upskill in this lockdown!

Simple Korean Snacks for Everyone (By Joan Wong)

(Tune in on Acts Church Instagram)

Anyeonghasaeyo! Joan will be sharing a recipe that involves ingredients which are easily available and accessible from local stores. Anyone would be able to cook this, even if they have no experience with Korean cuisine. Join in to do this together!

每天美美妆容与肌肤保养 (华语) | Essential Make up for your Everyday (Mandarin) (By Isabella Tan)

(Tune in on Acts Singapore Instagram)

Isabella 将会分享她自己学到和在使用着的一些基本保养步骤以及简单且快速的日常妆容教学。

Isabella will share some basic skincare steps, simple and quick daily makeup techniques that she has learnt and uses them in her daily routine.

Soul Care (By Dr Lavanya Dua via Zoom) *Registration Required

Register here: https://bit.ly/BWS_soulcare

Dr. Lavanya Dua is a UK medically qualified doctor and an associate pastor at Equippers Church in London, UK. She lives in London with her husband, Ravi and has two adult children. Over the past three decades as a medical doctor and wellness coach, she has helped many people find emotional and physical healing as well as freedom from fear, anxiety, depression and negative mindsets. Come and hear what she has to share to us at our workshop.

Overcoming Mum Overwhelm (By Samantha Yeoh via Zoom) *Registration Required

Register here: https://bit.ly/BWS_overcomingoverwhelm

The pandemic is a stressful time especially for parents, and in this case, mums. It doesn’t matter if you’re a stay-at-home mama or working mum, we’re all juggling everyone’s needs full-time. And that may mean that we don’t have much space, if any, for ourselves. And while overwhelm can come from a continuous cycle of giving and doing, burn-out can also be caused by under-whelm, perhaps from the monotony of our daily grind or the feeling of hopelessness.

This workshop is intended to help you see from a Christ-centered perspective to overcome your overwhelm, especially during this pandemic.

We will start by talking about our identity as mums in Christ and work our way to some practical tips on how you can regain control.

This workshop is best for mothers with children under 9 years of age. (Young, new or mothers juggling younger siblings)

Purposeful Friendships (By Rachel Ann Thong & Euodia Ooi via Zoom) *Registration Required

Register here: https://bit.ly/BWS_purposefulfriendships

We are constantly searching for the Why and Purpose in everything that we do but have we stopped and pondered about the Purpose in our Friendships? Are friends just two people with a common interest coming together?

“My command is this; Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” – John 15:12-13.

Come and listen to some inspiring stories from Rachel and Euodia on how they have learnt to create and sow purposefully in friendships.

Empowering through Education (By Elisha Menon)

(Tune in on Acts UK Instagram)

I love how children grow and learn best in an environment that enables them to inquire, explore and express! As educators, our greatest privilege is knowing that the world’s future inventors are just sitting in the classrooms of today! So every idea, thought or feeling is valuable. During our session together, we will be exploring the following topics/themes:

  • Student Well Being: How to create a positive learning environment
  • Lesson Planning: How to deliver meaningful lessons during Remote Learning
  • Anxiety: How to manage parents’ expectations

We hope to have a Q&A after each topic/theme. This workshop will mainly focused on junior school students for teachers/ parents and anyone who’s interested to learn.

Women in the Marketplace (By Laura Yee and Guests)

(Tune in on Acts Melbourne Instagram)

Whether you are in top leadership or just a few years into your career, know that God has called you to be a woman of influence. No matter what you do at work, you have been given unique spheres of influence — people you can inspire, encourage and lead are all around you. Listen in as we talk to women at different stages of their career on what it means to effectively use their influence at work for God’s glory.