
Serving together as a family used to be challenging with a baby needing constant attention. However, we realized it was possible when we allowed ourselves to be stretched and brought out of our comfort zone. It even became enjoyable when we learned to entrust our child to the care of other leaders and church partners, who have been a source of help, encouragement and inspiration. What started as merely attending Sunday services has grown into actively serving together as a family, including our first child! Now, even as a growing family with a second child, we continue to serve with the support of the Acts family.

Adriel and Rizamay Cruz
In Acts since 2015
Acts Cyberjaya

I first knew Acts through a campus pizza night outreach initiative, where a leader invited me for Sunday Service. Initially, I wasn’t fully committed because I thought I only had a short time in Malaysia. However, when an exchange program opportunity in university arose, God challenged me to stay in Malaysia. Obeying Him brought me closer to Him and helped me deepen my faith. I started serving, and took up dance classes which gave me an opportunity to be part of the dance performance during church conference. It’s amazing to see what God can do when you fully commit and make yourself available to Him. And now I’m serving in the worship ministry at Acts Karawaci!

Olivia Kristian
In Acts since 2017
Acts Karawaci

I was drawn to root down at Acts because of the vision shared by Pr Kenneth which for me was relevant, as I was working in an ever changing environment. I can see how the church continues to move forward, not staying in the comfort zone but developing multi dimensional approaches to reach out to different ones with different needs. It’s not always easy, but it builds strong and resilient believers.

Peter Meker
In Acts since 2006
Acts Seri Kembangan

My husband invited me to join Acts, where I eventually began serving as a Host. Looking back, I realized I was often unaware of other people’s needs and showed little concern for them. The turning point came during a sermon when God touched my heart. That very day, He opened my eyes to help someone in need, a change that even surprised me. I’m deeply grateful for how God revealed my challenges and helped me overcome them. The love in action I’ve witnessed in Acts has significantly impacted my life.

Rachel Lam (In Acts since 2019)
A Deaf partner from Acts Brickfields (AB)
(AB is a church plant powered by the Deaf community)

A friend invited me to Acts Church. As a pre-believer then, I agreed to join only because I didn’t want to disappoint my friend, and wasn’t expecting much from the visit. However, the warmth I experienced at Acts completely changed my perspective. The people were friendly, genuinely caring, and made me feel welcome. I was also struck by the visionary outlook and practical wisdom I gained from the Word during the services, which resonated deeply with my life. This was what kept me coming back, even after my friend left for home following our graduation. About a year after my first visit to Acts, I decided to follow Jesus!

Raphael Wong
In Acts since 2015
Acts Subang Jaya 0800

When I went home during my university’s summer break in 2013, I was introduced to Acts by my parents, who were attending Acts London at the time. Later on, during my master’s studies, I joined Acts Bristol, which was a pivotal moment in my life. There, I found a community I loved and built lifelong friendships through which God guided me and grew my faith in Him. To me, Acts Church is a community of believers who wholeheartedly put their hands to the plow and bridge gaps.

Toby Chow
In Acts since 2013
Acts London

My visit to Acts was completely unplanned. In an amazing turn of events, I missed the service of the church I was initially planning to join during my campus years in Malaysia, and ended up finding a family and home away from home in Acts instead! Acts Campus Camp 2010 was a turning point for me. The message about choosing to serve the Lord, even though no one was there to ensure I did, deeply resonated with me. I was convicted to dedicate my campus years to pursuing great Actsploits with Jesus!

Pr Dr Lazarus Takawira
In Acts since 2009
Acts Botswana

I prayed for God to lead me to a Malaysian church in Edinburgh where I could feel welcomed, put down roots, and serve. An online search led me to Acts, so I reached out via email and received a warm invitation to visit. After that first visit, the rest was history. I used to drag my feet to church on Sundays, but the warmth of Acts Edinburgh changed that. Now, I look forward to Sundays like a gathering with friends! I’ve also been entrusted to serve, and I’m grateful to God for this church community where I can grow and belong.

Marsaili Calder
In Acts since 2022
Acts Edinburgh

A close friend of mine invited me to Acts PJ when they just started their first worship service. At first, I was simply a regular attendee and no more than that. However, things changed when I finally accepted an invitation to join Homes from a leader who never stopped reaching out to me, and saying yes to that invitation was the best decision I’ve made! It even led to an opportunity to involve myself in the planting of a new Homes. I’m grateful to have found a family in a Christ-centered community in Acts, where I can truly see the Holy Spirit alive and moving through the church partners.

Aileen Narvaez-Sabello
In Acts since 2012
Acts Melbourne

I was invited to the Acts Easter Play in 2003, and it was then I decided to receive Christ into my life. My life changed significantly after that, when I learnt and understood that God has also given me a new purpose in life, even though I was 47 years old then and just a young Christian. The Acts Church family has shown me what true love and unity looks like.



Ong Chye Hong
In Acts since 2003
Acts Cheras

Before I moved to Sunway to start my degree, I prayed that God would lead me to a discipleship and missions-centric church to grow in these two areas. God led me to Acts Subang Jaya! I saw for myself how Acts trusts and empowers people to serve through the short film The Blue Lunchbox, where I was given the lead actor role, though I was relatively new to Acts. Seeing leaders leading by example has also shown me how Acts doesn’t merely preach discipleship, but also actively practices it. Being here has inspired me to help others find their identity in Christ, just as others have helped me do so.

Gabriel Ng
In Acts since 2018
Acts Edinburgh

My sister invited me to Acts Semenyih when I came to Malaysia to study, and I joined mainly because it was the only church within walking distance of my campus. The turning point came when I sprained my ankle one day, and to my surprise, church partners went out of their way to care for me by sending food and even visiting me. That was when I realized it wasn’t just about receiving. I wanted to give back to the church community as well. Acts has taught me so much about warmth and love, and it’s truly inspiring to see the passion within this community!

Jason Kristian
In Acts since 2019
Acts Karawaci, Indonesia

I was a pre-believer when I found out about Acts through iSurvived and CampusCity. A few visits later, I felt a tugging in my heart to stop depending on myself for solutions, and that was when I accepted Christ. Fast forward to my baptism this year. It was a tough season as I had to seek my pre-believing parents’ blessing. I felt frustrated as people around me couldn’t understand, but when I surrendered my problems to God and obeyed His conviction for me to be honest with my parents, I felt at peace, and finally got baptised! I’m truly grateful for the emphasis on discipleship, warmth and worship at Acts!

Lancer Loo
In Acts since 2018
Acts Cheras

My siblings and I joined Acts KL with our mom, who was invited by a friend. I started to walk deeper in my faith and grew when I went to Acts Edinburgh. The church plant in Edinburgh was much smaller than what I was used to, but it was here that God challenged me to unlearn some of my old misconceptions about God’s church and relearn the truth of what it should be, using the small to foster an enormous growth in my faith. This was when I grasped the heart and meaning of “growing small to grow big”, and truly recognized its value. Acts is a church filled with the Holy Spirit, and a place I call home.

Cheah Mun Hsing
In Acts since 2007
Acts Edinburgh

I was looking for a church as a campus student, and my senior introduced me to Acts. Here was where I found discipleship! My leaders have shown me so much love as they journey through life with me, and they have been great examples of a faith-filled life to me. This inspired me to pass the faith on through discipleship, whether in church or in my workplace. I never expected God’s bigger plan for me to lead Acts Cheras in 2013 either, and it’s amazing to see God’s leading, and to experience the joy of seeing other people grow!

Pr Gloria Paul
In Acts since 2010
Acts Cheras

When we lost our father, Acts Church supported my family by conducting the wake and funeral service, even though most of us were not yet Christian except for my sister. During the wake service, I encountered God. A warm, radiant grip held my right hand, though no one was beside me. When I shared this with my sister, she led me to Christ that very night, and the rest is history. Since then, my family has also come to know Christ, and I’ve dedicated my life to following and obeying Him, building my faith, and serving alongside the vibrant community in Acts!

Pr Janaronson Nagarajah
In Acts since 2004
Acts Nilai

I was invited to Acts by a colleague of mine, and here was where God set me free from fear and depression. Ever since my salvation, I’ve transformed into a more confident person! I even found the courage and confidence to start a childcare centre under Act’s banner, which was a childhood dream of mine since I was nine years old. Acts Church is a warm and faith-filled community that believes in people, and they have shown me what radical faith looks like.

Pr Sarah Fong
In Acts since 2003
Acts Subang Jaya 1030

As a new student in Taylor’s College, Subang, I had already heard a lot about this vibrant church called Acts Subang Jaya from my sister who was a regular. I still remember the excitement of waiting for the Acts Church bus every Sunday! What truly moved me and left me in awe was the way our pastors lived by faith. The testimony from Pr Kenneth about God’s miraculous provision, and the way he embodied such conviction and trust in God left a lasting impression on me. I’ve witnessed how the faithful community at Acts empowers others to do the same and transform lives.

Samuel Sii
In Acts since 2011
Acts Melbourne

I came to Acts through my sister’s invitation. Joining Acts Kids ministry was never something I initially expected or wanted, but when I followed God’s leading, He opened up a whole new world for me. I discovered abilities I never imagined I had and truly experienced God’s presence. While there are moments when my patience with the children is tested, the journey has been deeply fulfilling, and I feel really loved and blessed by the children. Through Acts, I’ve learned that saying yes to God allows Him to use me in ways I never thought possible.



Chua Soo Wah
In Acts since 2018
Acts Mandarin Subang Jaya 8am

The three of us came to Acts one after another and chose to put down roots here during our campus years. While different things touched our hearts individually, the warm, faith-filled, and faithful community ultimately drew us to call Acts our home. We were inspired by young people giving their best to God, witnessed Acts as a church-planting movement, and experienced Acts community’s genuine welcome. Through this journey, we’ve grown in prayer, listening to and obeying God, and saying yes to His call. We’ve also learned so much about loving others along the way!

Samuel, Josiah and Joel Yang
In Acts since 2014, 2017 and 2020
Acts London, Acts Bandar Utama and Acts Melbourne

I had a severe fall last year that fractured my spine, a serious injury that could have left me paralyzed, but God was gracious in saving me from the worst. The recovery was painful, but I experienced the love and support of the Acts family through prayer. Many church partners visited me in the hospital, and even though I couldn’t attend church events regularly, there were always partners who came to my home each week to do communion and pray for me. I also learned to depend on God for healing and breakthrough. Praise God that I’m now healed from the worst part of the injury, and I’m trusting God for complete recovery!

Yohan Thomas
In Acts since 2022
Acts Cyberjaya

We signed up for iSurvived Subang, an event which happened in collaboration with our university to help new students settle in, and it was through this that we discovered Acts Subang Jaya. We enjoyed our time at the event, and a conversation with the volunteers sparked our curiosity about the Christian faith and the church. The warmth and care shown by the leaders in Acts has drawn us to stay, and since accepting Christ into our lives, we’ve also been inspired to live by faith, just like our leaders have!

Yeong Zhi Min and Yeong Zhi Xin
In Acts since 2019
Acts Singapore

I was introduced to Acts Church through a Chill and Grill initiative on my campus. Before this, in my hometown in South Sudan, I’ve always longed to be in a church community but I struggled to do so. Here in Acts, I’ve renewed my faith in Christ, started serving, and was baptised. The Acts Church family has shown me love, warmth, and constant encouragement, especially during moments I felt like giving up, helping me stay steadfast in my journey of faith.

Yoannes Odhong
In Acts since 2022
Acts Seri Kembangan

My parents introduced me to Acts London, but I only started attending regularly two years later. Though my relationship with God wasn’t strong then, I somehow knew that He wanted me to stay. Looking back, my journey in Acts has been undeniably life-changing. I’ve experienced God in ways that I never imagined and built so many incredible friendships at Acts!

Rora Chow
In Acts since 2012
Acts London

I really liked Christianity as a religion and had been curious about it, so even before enrolling in university, I was determined to use my campus years to know this God whom I had heard about and deeply admired. I came to know Acts through iSurvived on campus, and took the opportunity to express my interest in Christianity to the team. Shortly after that, I accepted Christ and called Acts my home! I experienced so much love and warmth, and it was here that I learned how to love others as myself, even those who have hurt me. This decision has truly been life-changing for me!


我一向对基督教充满好奇,也非常喜爱这个信仰。所以在进入大学之前,我就已经下定决心,要利用大学时光来认识这位我曾听说过、也深深仰慕的神。我是在大学的 iSurvived 活动中接触到 Acts 教会,并借此机会向团队表达了自己对基督教的兴趣。不久之后,我接受了基督,并把 Acts 教会当作我的家!在这里,我经历了满满的爱与温暖,也学会了爱人如己,甚至去爱那些伤害过我的人。这个决定真实地改变了我的生命!

Diong Jia Rong
In Acts since 2021
Acts Nilai

I was invited to Acts Bristol when it was newly planted. I had heard about the dream and vision for the planting of Acts Bristol before this, but I was skeptical and only joined out of sympathy for the coordinator. However, everything changed when I encountered God powerfully during a simple worship session. With no fancy instruments, stage lighting, or sound system, I was challenged to lift my hands in worship for the first time, and I felt a burden lift from my shoulders. As they say the rest is history!  Acts Church is truly a faith-filled, Holy Spirit-led community!

Tan Tiong Hsien
In Acts since 2013
Acts Bristol