by Xin Wei, Acts PJ

When I quit my full-time job to pursue my dreams of making art and telling stories, I was initially unsure and wanted to continue leaning on a stable income. I looked for freelance gigs while also taking on a part-time marketing job that gave me stability.
In 2021, I was led to quit that marketing job God had blessed me with. It was a hard decision, but I haven’t looked back since.
Even though I now spend 50% of my time doing designs for Acts Teens, and maybe only 25% of my time doing paid freelance work, God has provided for me through and through. I’ve earned more in all of 2021 when I went freelance full-time, than I did in 2020 when I was trying so desperately to rely on my own strength.
But more than that, because God knows my heart’s desire, I’ve been able to pursue my creative journey in my own time at my own pace in the last couple of years. And that has been more rewarding than anything else!
For me, being courageous means being wholeheartedly honest with who I am — to accept my whole self, which is the self that Christ has so lovingly designed and breathed life into.
As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in My love. (John 15:9)
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